Selecting Shoes for Your Next Obstacle Course

Now that the obstacle race date is fast approaching, it may be a good time to take sometime and prepare for the race. One of the most common asked question by a newbie runner is "What type of shoes am I supposed to wear?".  This article will guide you through what is available on the market so that you can decide which type of shoe is the right one for you. SHOE … [Read more...]

How to Supersize Your Strength for the Next Race – Kettle Bells

If you can only have a single piece of gym equipment to get you into shape and keep you there, what would it be? 45 lb Olympic bar? Jump rope? A pullup / chin up bar? In our opinion, you should consider a kettle bell. Today, kettle bells are used by elite athletes for strength and endurance training. In fact, the Russian Military requires its’ recruits to train with … [Read more...]

Review – The Navy SEAL Foundation

The Navy SEAL Foundation P.O. Box 5965 Virginia Beach, VA 23471 tel: (757) 363-7490 fax: (757) 363-7491 EIN: 31-1728910 Mission The Navy SEAL Foundation's mission is to provide educational and motivational support, promote health and welfare programs for the Naval Special Warfare Community, and perpetuate the history and heritage of the U.S. Naval … [Read more...]