“All in all it’s just another brick in the wall.” -Pink Floyd When you hear athletes talking about their Savageman Triathlon experience (and if you’re talking tri, then it’s definitely going to come up because it has in turns been called the hardest, the best, the most fun and the most beautiful triathlon out there), they generally start out with the question, “Did you get … [Read more...]
Sports Injury Treatments for Boot Camps and Obstacle Course Participants
Boot camps and obstacle courses are among those exercises designed for people who wish to undergo more challenging and strenuous training. Boot camps are popular for being that kind of outdoor group exercise which combines conventional calisthenics, body weight exercises, strength training and interval training. Boot camps have a variety of fitness styles but each style is … [Read more...]
Fastest Growing Form of Exercises – Parkour
ABSTRACT Remember the story of the elephant and the blind men? Each blind man was presented with a different part of the elephant’s body to examine, and then asked to describe the animal. The answers were as varied as the body parts: tusk, trunk, ear, tail, foot. There could be no agreement on exactly what type of beast the elephant was because each was examining it from … [Read more...]
Selecting Shoes for Your Next Obstacle Course
Now that the obstacle race date is fast approaching, it may be a good time to take sometime and prepare for the race. One of the most common asked question by a newbie runner is "What type of shoes am I supposed to wear?". This article will guide you through what is available on the market so that you can decide which type of shoe is the right one for you. SHOE … [Read more...]