Back in March of 2009, the World Triathlon Corporation (WTC) announced that its newest Ironman competition would be held in St. George, Utah. Representatives from St. George’s tourism office joined in the press release: The determination and tenacity demonstrated by Ironman athletes resembles the fortitude of the early settlers in this area and the spirit of our residents. … [Read more...]
Silverman Long Course Triathlon
When a triathlete uses the phrase “The Man”, there is only one person they can mean – Dave Scott, six-time Ironman Triathlon World Champion. Any race that Dave Scott endorses, or even competes in, is automatically recognized as a race worth doing … it’s kind of like those old Merrill Lynch ads; when Dave Scott talks, people listen. So when Scott said that the Silverman … [Read more...]
Savageman Triathlon
“All in all it’s just another brick in the wall.” -Pink Floyd When you hear athletes talking about their Savageman Triathlon experience (and if you’re talking tri, then it’s definitely going to come up because it has in turns been called the hardest, the best, the most fun and the most beautiful triathlon out there), they generally start out with the question, “Did you get … [Read more...]